The Benefits Of Unique Science Fair Projects

volcano science project

Everyone has seen the tired old science fair project, such as the volcano or the styrofoam solar system, which have been favorites of many parents for what feels like generations.

These projects are relatively simple and easy from the parent’s point of view, but they are incredibly bad choices for the children involved. Why?

These are the kind of projects that are so well-known that even the students know what is going to happen. And when that happens, they are not learning anything new, and their performance suffers during the presentation portion of science fairs because of it.

Science fair judges have gotten bored with these types of projects, and that’s a big problem for students who endeavor to win prizes in their science fair. In the end, this kind of project is only really good for the parents, and surprisingly, these kinds of projects are not even particularly cheap!

What you need to find is a unique science fair project, or at least something that beats those tired old projects. Not only will this help your child learn more, it can give them a much better chance of winning the science fair.

Often, these competitions can include a scholarship or a nice cash prize, and even those that do not can often lead to a science scholarship later on down the line. That’s a nice benefit, and aside from the grades, the knowledge, and the experience your child is getting with their participation, it gives you a great reason to try and do something unique.

So what kind of unique science fair projects are there? The internet seems like a decent first option, but given the prevalence of use, you can guarantee that large science fairs include a duplicate project, especially if you took your idea from a popular science fair blog or website. Even in a small science fair, or an in-class science fair, you have to guess that there are more than a few people who are visiting the same websites that you are, including the judges and the teachers who are grading your students. Duplicate projects mean trouble for the judges and the teachers, as it negates the true benefit of science fairs: having an exploratory experience.

So, if you start with an idea from the internet, try to make it your own. What can you change, or add, to make it unique and much more interesting, both for yourself and for the judges. This will help you develop a winning project.